Monday, December 31, 2007

Certification Is Must

The current technologically-inclined workforce is expanding and improving at a tremendous rate. For IT workers, and even employers, the pace has quickened and keeping up with changes is a constant battle. This technological battleground is universal for all workforces. All jobs, blue-collar to white-collar, involve or require some form of computer and/or technological aptitude.

You can't really go through life or working with a blank stare when it comes to current and upcoming technologies; you've got to be somewhat familiar, in the least. But, then again, being slightly acquainted isn't all that advantageous either. It is full awareness and ability to learn and adapt, with any technical servicing, that are essential to getting on track and getting ahead with a solid IT career.

Knowledgeable, keen and willing individuals will be quite successful in the IT work world. But, to have a certain shoe-in and to get on top, you need credentials; and a snazzy resume or just sheer knowledge isn't enough. You need papers, and proof! So, validate yourself
Credentials here in the professional IT sphere are known as IT 'Certifications.'

What are IT Certifications?
Certifications are more or less accreditations you can attain through various testing to authenticate your knowledge within a specific IT realm, skill or function.

Are Certifications A Must?
Even if you are well-accustomed to certain software and technical programs, you must have certification to get an employer's attention. Employers rely on certifications for many reasons, but mostly for factors of assurance toward hiring a prospective employee. And to gain this confidence technical or professional certification is relied on as a means to measure competency in prospective employees.

So, yes. Get certification!
Certifications are now recognized throughout the industry as the standard for validating IT knowledge and skill sets. They not only validate, but they assist individuals in displaying their proven level of expertise.

Certifications From An Employer's Perspective:
IT managers will tell you upfront that certification is crucial in deciding if a prospective employee lands a job or if a current employee receives a promotion. Attained certifications will also result in a few perks including: a higher salary, a heightened marketability and enhanced understanding. And even if you've been working IT for a few years, get more certification; you'll gain more respect from management and fellow colleagues.

One thing is certain, a never ending change is the only constant in the IT field. To compete, stay employed and succeed, certification is dire. The benefits are endless and you'll learn nonstop, so, what's to lose? If you're considering the IT option, be bold and go for it. Getting certified and maintaining your skills with current technical innovations are the key to continued professional success in the IT arena.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Download 642-432 P4s V2.75, CVOICE P4S











Saturday, December 22, 2007

Cisco Press - Ccdp Arch Exam Quick Reference Sheets Nov 2007

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Monday, December 17, 2007

Cisco Certification E-Books Download here

CCNA Study Guide- Download here.


Pass CCNA Now- Materials & Tips.

Cisco Exams

pass: 4U_bySettler

Study Guide For 642-162/354

CCIE Routing and Switching Exam Quick Reference Sheets: Exam 350-001 v3.0

Cisco Clean Access Agent

offer Bsci 642-901 V5.0 Student Lab Manual

KnowledgeNet - MCAST: Implementing Cisco Multicast

I will be posting more useful materials and tips, I request you to visit this site frequently to update yourself and this will also give me motivation to post more.
All the best.

Friday, December 14, 2007

The Keys to Creating Powerful States for Peak Performance

At any point of time, you create your own states!
If you are feeling confident, then you are creating that confidence within yourself. If you are feeling depressed, you are creating your own depression. When you are motivated, you are creating that state of empowerment.
No one or nothing can affect or change your state unless you choose to allow yourself to get into that state.
Is this really true? Well, think about this. Why is it that two people can encounter the exact same event, but feel totally different about it?
One person may experience fear at having to speak in front of a large audience, while the other feels totally relaxed.
One person may feel totally motivated coming into the office, while the other feels bored & tired. One person may feel inspired and challenged when faced with an obstacle while another person feels demoralized.
So, you see, it is not what happens on the outside that affects a person's state, but what happens on the inside.
So how do we create our states? When we are feeling totally motivated, how do we create this state? When we are depressed, how do we create that depressing mood?
How we feel at any moment in time is determined by both of these Keys:
1. Our Physiology 2. Our Internal Re-presentation.
Your Physiology Affects Your State
The first thing that determines the state you are in is your physiology. Physiology means the condition and use of the physical body.
The condition of your body has a direct impact on how you feel. Do you feel different when your body is well rested and physically vibrant?
When your muscles are relaxed and your cells are bursting with energy, you are most likely to be in a peak state.
Conversely, after a night of tossing and turning with worry, having insufficient sleep, won't you feel your muscles aching and your joints being stiff?
You will easily get into states of tiredness, frustration and depression, non of these being very resourceful states.
This is why it is so important that our body is maintained in peak condition through both proper diet and exercise.
Highly successful individuals from Presidents to pop stars are consistently able to be in peak states because they keep themselves in peak physical condition through comprehensive exercise regimes.
Engaging in daily aerobic activities like swimming, running, cycling or jumping on the trampoline has an effect of oxygenating our body much more readily.
As oxygen and nutrients are carried into our bodies, our cells are nourished more effectively, giving us a lot more energy!
When our physical body is in a peak condition, we will find ourselves being in peak emotional states as well.
Your Internal Re-presentation Affects Your State.
The second factor that affects our state is your internal re-presentation. Your internal re-presentation is a fancy term meaning "How and What we think about."
What we perceive is not reality but an internal re-presentation of reality. It is how we internally re-present what is going on around us inside our mind.
This is why two people can encounter the same event, represent and feel very differently about this same event in their minds
Some of the key filters that determine what we delete, distort and generalize are our Beliefs, Values and Attitudes.
Because different people have different beliefs, values and attitudes, they delete, distort and generalize things very differently.
As a result, all of us experience a very different re-presentation of the world.
Some people have powerful beliefs, values and attitudes that allow them to constantly re-present things in a way placing them in an empowering state while others constantly re-present things in a way that puts them in a lousy, ineffective state.
Successful people are able to take charge and consciously direct their states from moment to moment. Unsuccessful people, on the other hand, find themselves constantly at the mercy of their (bad) habits and their environment.
By taking charge of our physiology and forming empowering internal representations, we have the keys that will allow us to be in constantly resourceful states enabling us to perform at our peak.